Dean's Message

As the Malaysian economy is poised to transform itself into one of the key drivers of the growth engine in the east, nurturing the new generation to meet the future talent requirements of the economy assumes critical importance.
In line with this transformation, the country is also becoming the nerve centre of higher education in the field of Economics, Finance, Banking and Risk Management. Our academic programmes in these arenas are tailored not only to groom the new generation but also create a pool of competent practitioners who can shoulder the emerging challenges of a growing nation.
SEFB, with its sound foundation in research, is committed to foster imaginative and innovative thinking amongst students. They impart new knowledge, skills and perspectives to empower students to think analytically. Students also develop sound logical reasoning to decipher the nuances of complex real-life scenarios to arrive at feasible solutions.
SEFB has gained recognition as a distinguished centre in Economics, Finance and Banking. Our system of education imbibes the spirit of social responsibility and community feelings which forms the backbone of our students to face the new world order.....their future starts here.